The strength of CHITI PIANTE by Giacomo Chiti is the production. The production process is followed by the owner Giacomo Chiti who choose varieties to reproduce and grows them according to the needs of the market, his aim is always look for new varieties. Climbers, conifers, shapes, flowering plants, fruits, are produced with the utmost attention without forgetting the possibility to create any kind of shape on specific request. Some varieties such as Camellia, Wisteria, Cupressus sempervirens, Magnolia, Bambusa, Juniperus, Photinia, Cupressocyparis leylandii, Pinus, Picea, Abies, are produced in our company from small sizes up to large specimens. In our company qualified employers will assist customers with skill and passion by helping them in their choice with advices and suggestions in a friendly welcome atmosphere.